FAQs related to investors
Who can invest in the Daskapital platform?
How can I start investing?
How does the registration process work?
How does the identity validation process (KYC) work?
Why do you need a copy of my ID?
How can I deposit money into my wallet?
What is the expected return at Daskapital?
How does Daskapital handle taxes on income earned by investors?
How does Daskapital handle taxes on income earned by investors on investments in Daslending (Crowdlending)?
How does Daskapital handle taxes on income earned by investors from Dasfactoring (Crowdfactoring or Invoice Trading)?
What are the tax retention rates?
I am a resident of Spain. How do I declare earnings received when filling in my tax return or annual income statement?
I am a resident of Portugal. How do I declare earnings received when filling in my tax return or annual income statement?
What are the risks of investing through Daskapital?
How does Daskapital assess credit risk?
Can I withdraw an investment bid?
Who are Sophisticated and Non-sophisticated investors?
What happens if a promotor defaults a payment?
What should I use to define a minimum interest rate?
How to interpret Daskapital's risk rating?
How should the credit rating impact the return on my investment?
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