Daskapital's risk classification, equivalent to Iberinform's Risk/Credit Score, uses robust mathematical models to predict the probability of a company's default in 12 months. On Daskpital's platform and website, the risk is displayed on a scale from C to AAA (highest to lowest risk) according to the scale usually used by international rating agencies.
The probability of default for each of the scoring notes is statistically estimated and demonstrated in the following table:
Iberinform's Risk Assessment Model is the result of a statistical study that, based on the analysis of certain available information, identifies factors that predict the behavior of a company's payments for the following 12 months. The definition of default used here includes not only insolvency actions but also payment incidents. Default is modeled when a critical point is exceeded by the combination of a set of factors related to the company.
If we differentiate a company that suffered a risk of customer default from another company that used the Score to segment and monitor customers, the success rate would be 85% of cases, which confirms the predictive capacity of the Model.
To limit the risk that investors incur, Daskapital, with certain exceptions, does not publish investment opportunities rated 3 (CCC) or lower.
If you need further clarification, please get in touch with us at support@daskapital.eu.