What is Mangopay?

MANGOPAY S.A., is a public limited company incorporated in Luxembourg (B173459), which holds an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) licence granted by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) of Luxembourg (No.: W00000005) covering all 31 countries of the European Economic Area.

Mangopay is a Payment Institution specialising in payment and money management solutions for online business platforms, providing a secure and flexible payment platform that allows companies and entrepreneurs to manage financial transactions within their own digital ecosystems.

Mangopay's platform offers a variety of features, including:

  • Payment accounts: Allows companies to create payment accounts for their users, where they can receive funds, make payments and store money.

  • Payments and transfers: Facilitates online payments, money transfers between accounts and international remittances.

  • E-wallet services: Offers virtual e-wallets that allow users to store and manage their money digitally.

  • Compliance features: Mangopay's platform has built-in compliance features to ensure that transactions comply with financial regulations, such as user identity verification (KYC) and the prevention of money laundering.

  • Escrow accounts: Allows the creation of escrow accounts, where money is held in custody until certain agreed conditions are met.

Mangopay is often used by companies operating in sectors such as crowdfunding, such as Daskapital, marketplaces, among others.