The duration of financing auctions depends on the type and amount of the financing.
For crowdlending operations (Daslending):
Up to €50,000: 15 days
Up to €100,000: 30 days
Up to €150,000: 45 days
Above €150,000: 60 days
For factoring (Dasfactoring): 7 days
However, once the amount offered by investors exceeds the minimum percentage of the financing amount objective, promoters may terminate the auctions on their own initiative at any time. This facility allows you to obtain financing funds sooner, but on the other hand, a longer auction duration may allow you to lower the cost of financing.
If promoters terminate the auction before the minimum funding goal is reached, the auction is canceled.
In situations where the auction period ends without obtaining the entire intended amount, the promoter may communicate to Daskapital the intention to extend the auction period.
If you need further clarification, please get in touch with us at